Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sharing Nugget #16

#16: How I have grown over one summer.

A summer reflection.

Today is the last day of my 2nd summer vacation. And what a summer it has been.

I started the summer deciding to dedicate it to personal development.

What did I do this summer?

1) AELC (Steven’s sessions for all facis): 5 weeks
2) Faci Workshops: 3 weeks
3) Loola Retreat for Senior Faci and Train the trainers: 1 week
4) Kuo Chuan Camp: 1 week
5) FTB Mock Camp: 3 days
6) FTB Camp: 9 days
7) Matric: 3 days
8) OCS talks: 3 days
9) SS Camp: 3 days

Now I began to see actually how much time I dedicated to Experiential Learning! Although that’s a tedious few months, I do not regret a second of it.

Attending Steven’s sessions, observing how he influences people, the kinds of values he preaches, and the stories he told – basically, how he touches lives – made me reflect and think a lot.

Steven impacted me in 2 ways. Firstly, he showed me how we can make a difference in other’s lives as he did in mine. He showed me how to do it through his process of experiential learning, debriefings, the importance of reflection, his dedication, the foundation that is theory, and lastly, the relationship touch.

Secondly, he made me ask the question of what I want to do in life. I do not want to go or big bucks, powerful position, glamour, fame etc. I want to make a difference by doing service for my family, friends, community, and country – in any way I can best do it, however minute it might be. While doing that, I want to lead a moral life, do charity, share merits, and show the importance of values by example.

Also, I have decided that I will dedicate the next 2 years in SMU to hone my capabilities - to build my brand of been able to deliver results as a leader, facilitator or a mentor / trainer. “Walk the talk” will be my guide.

In the process of reflection, I found some short-comings in me. Thus, I made a resolution to 1) Listen more; 2) think positively (especially of people I don’t like) and talk less of negative things, 3) be almost completely (un)self-centered, and 4) have a “wider” heart.

Thank you for touching my life, Steven.

From my involvement with fellow SMU students, I also learn a lot from them. They taught me what I did right, (thank you for your kind words), and what I could improve on (thank you for your honesty. It takes courage to be frank and risk spoiling friendship).

Along these 4 months, I made a lot of friends - and quite a few ones that I can really trust and relate to. I always believe that one should have a lot of friends, but keep a few close. I love being around you guys.

This has been a summer of experiential learning, reflection, friends, walking the talk; of passion and commitment, belonging, and making a difference.

I started the summer deciding to dedicate it to personal development. And how I have grown.


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