Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sharing Nugget #53

#53: In a team, we can achieve anything.

Yesterday I won a Gold Medal for SMU Inter-school Frisbee Competition. Our Social Science Team won.

The feeling of winning after playing my heart out, with my body caked in mud, with my every muscle sore, is an emotional euphoria.

What a feeling it is.

I have never been a competitive sports person. I play them, but never competed. But recently, after I “semi-retired” from doing serious work for SMU (still does but now have a bit more time), I have been signing up for sports events after sports event. And I thoroughly enjoyed them.

I am hooked to that emotional high.

Of course, there are ups and downs. I felt so high when we came in third for the Volar Adventure Race where we ran, kayak, abseiled, cycled and bladed. After the massive physical punishment, I was top of the world.

Then came SMU run-about. We came in fourth. I felt lousy after the run because I can’t help feeling if I have been better, we would have gotten at least a bronze medal. It was a low low…

Then I took my IPPT. For the first time in my life, I managed to get a Silver. (Somehow, my legs just woke up after 25 years and decided they can jump far.) High high high!

Then came Sports Fiesta Soccer. We played our lungs out, and we fought our way to a dramatic final. Although we lost that, I felt damn good. 2nd place in a soccer tournament was good enough for me. I kept thinking of it for a few days. I can’t forget the feeling of playing in a team so deep in understanding and committed to each other. Like my team-mate said, we played like Arsenal. Fast, fluid, running in open space, man-marking, defend and attack.

I am hooked to that emotional high.

I love team-sports. With the right people, those games provide an experience that is hard to duplicate else where. We remember our moments: the time we dived and caught a Frisbee (throw in a scoring pose), the time we denied that opposition goal, the time we crossed the finish line. Individual sacrifices, brilliance, commitment. It inspires the rest; it infects the rest. Team-spirit is complex, is opium, and ultimately, is formidable.

In a team, we can achieve anything.

I like the sound of that.


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